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tseng lan shue中文是什么意思

用"tseng lan shue"造句"tseng lan shue"怎么读"tseng lan shue" in a sentence


  • 井栏树


  • From tseng lan shue to shatin pass via tai lam wu and tai lo au
  • There is only one watercourse in tseung kwan o monitored by the epd , the tseng lan shue stream
  • Drainage improvement works at yung shue long new village in lamma island , tseng lan shue in sai kung and shui lau hang in ta kwu ling
  • To improve water quality in the streams upper reaches , there are plans to extend the public sewer network to the villages in tseng lan shue by 2013 under the port shelter sewerage master plan
  • From yau tong ascend and go around devil s hill . after reaching ma yau tong , walk pass tai ngau wu , au tau and sham long village to clear water bay road . this will lead to tseng lan shue village
  • Compared with others trails , the wilson trail is ideal for more experienced hikers due to its rugged relief . wilson trail stage 3 starts from yau tong ascend and go around devil s hill and via ma yau tong to tseng lan shue village
  • The upstream monitoring station , located near the village of tseng lan shue , was graded fair in 2005 . interestingly , this stream gets better as it goes down . the watercourse falls steeply in mid - stream , creating strong aeration which aids the rivers self - cleansing abilities
用"tseng lan shue"造句  
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